Mum ! I miss you very much

Mum ! I miss you very much left without saying goodbye...

Monday, December 3, 2007

Cooking Lesson 2

Rushed home today from work to learn lesson 2. :0
2 x simple dishes. Pepper chicken with potato and tomato soup.
Taste pretty good.. I must say...hehe...So if you want to try my skills, I dun mind being invited to your place to "mess" up your kitchen.. :P


Queen said...

Mel.. so interesting. what's for Day 3?

Come up with the menu so the blog readers will hold u to it..

whahahahahahah.. cheers!

Melvin Tan said...

I am still newbie in please be kind...:) you gonna teach me Nasi Briyani right..So let's make that the next goal ! :P