Mum ! I miss you very much

Mum ! I miss you very much left without saying goodbye...

Friday, May 11, 2007

Ouch ! $240 and counting ....
Mum, these few weeks, I have been having a sharp pain on my left lower tooth whenever I drink cold drinks..its that stinging pain...but I kept putting it away until yesterday when I could not stomach the pain anymore....I was having Nasi Briyani and I accidentally use my left lower tooth to bite on the mutton and the pain was just unbearable...I teared and clenched my fist...! haha..that's how painful...I took time off and went to see the first female dentist all my life. Took xray and found some decay and a big hole next to the spot where I took out my wisdom tooth months back..Well..her professional advice is to salvage the tooth instead of after 3 jabs, some digging, some grinding sound..and some nice soothing humming song that the doctor din realised she was humming...I was out of the clinic..but that's not the end..She said I have to go for root canal treatment by a specialist..estimated bill is $800 and back to her for crowning to secure the tooth, not too sure how much that will cost.....I bet the bill all in all will come up to $1600...I called up my doctor friend to recommend his dentist friend and see if I can get it at a cheaper price..hopefully halve it :) Here's the damage !

Medicine - $20
Examination & Diagnosis - $10
Bitewings & Periapical X Rays - $15
Opg / Lateral Celphalogram - $45
Emergency1: Pulpectomy Premolars & Mol - $150
Total Bill - $240

Specialist Root Canal Treatment - $800 estimated
Crowning - $600-$1000 estimated

I am broke !!! but not poor yet...:P

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