Take care and God Bless.
Mum ! I miss you very much

...you left without saying goodbye...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
My Blog has shifted
Its been 2.5 years since I started this blog. This blog has grown to such a stage that its taking a long time to load thus I have extend it to this site. You can access the new blog here.
There will no longer be any update on this blog starting 07th Feb 2008. Here is wishing everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year !
Take care and God Bless.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Ready for $38,000 Investment 6th Feb 2008

Mum, 06th Feb 2008 is the first time in my life that I put in a large amount of money into a highly lucrative investment in an online gaming portal. Thanks to Sanny and Brother Larry who shared this little gem.I gathered a few good friends of mine for many years to pull in the $38K capital investment. I personally invested $21,000. The first payout of ROI will be 9th Feb 2008. I will post an update of investment this saturday.
EDIT - Check out my casino investment returns here >>> Casino Weekly Payout
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Cycling at Pulau Ubin !
Today, my "Singles Delight"club members organised an Ubin Cycling Trip. It was drizzling when I reached Changi Ferry Terminal. It's been years since I went to Ubin. The last 2 which I organised was for my M1 friends and Compaq Colleagues. The turnout was quite good. Fortunately or unfortunately, the rain poured but it was fun. Always feel good to be able to feel like a kid again ! We visited Chek Jawa Wetlands. You should really visit the place, its beautiful ! I love it probably the weather was cooling and can feel the rain splashing on to your face while at the visitor stand ! Its awesome feeling !
Mum, I visited you at the temple today !
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Best Friend | Buddy | Colleague Jennifer
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I rejected my ex boss job offer !
I rejected the job offer ! I surprised myself too...If I were much younger, I wouldnt hesitate to throw in the letter for a 20% increment,, travelling opportunities, global company, supervisory role..I guess I am just quite contented with where I am now. Moreoever HP is also offering me a permanent contract with opportunities to relocate to another country, hopefully Canada.
When I lay on my bed typing this post, I realised how much I mellowed down all these years..How much I enjoyed coming home, on my bed with my favourite book, listening to class 95 and surfing the internet on my crystal white macbook and a quick massage..Mid life Contentment instead of Crisis ?
When I lay on my bed typing this post, I realised how much I mellowed down all these years..How much I enjoyed coming home, on my bed with my favourite book, listening to class 95 and surfing the internet on my crystal white macbook and a quick massage..Mid life Contentment instead of Crisis ?

January is going to be over in a few day's time and I have yet to see any results in my CPA business but everytime when I bump onto Rani when we go out for lunch, I always remind myself that she is my goal accountant. If I dont achieve my my goals by end of this year, I would have to pay the penalty !! :) so better buck up !
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Should I take up the new job offer ?
All my working life, I have been blessed to work with many nice colleagues and bosses. My past few years jobs has been referred and recommended by them. Cassandra who was my ex M1 Manager recommended me into NETS to be a trainer.

Weighing the benefits of both companies, my ex boss definitely is offering a very attractive package which is 20% higher than my current salary.. but I would have to give up wearing cargo pants and sweat shirt to work! Arrgh....
I wonder if HP would be willing to match that 20%...:8
So...I have to inform my ex boss soonest soonest if I would be taking the job...:)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Thank You Facebook ! I was finally found ! :)
How many times in your life do you get to know that your friend is looking for you all these years? Quite recently, a long lost friend of mine found me through Facebook..What a pleasant surprise...Her name is Grace. We used to work in a team managing a contact centre when we were in the Navy. Her gesture touches me a lot. It goes to show how much she valued that friendship that we had during our times in the Navy. I managed to dig out some old photos of us but as a respect, I will post it here when she deem its fit to do so. :0 Here's my navy life pictures...:) Enjoy..
~Post Edited ~ Pictures of Grace n myself uploaded with Grace's blessings :)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Does your dad behaves this way ?
I never had a good relationship with my dad all these years..and I never really understood him on a personal level..or should i say I never wanted to really understand him... Right after mum passed on, he shifted in to stay with me because we sold our old place..Living with him for the past 2 years was really an "eye opener" for me. I dont mean to bring down my own father but it's shocking to know that he doesnt know the very basic of boiling water, washing clothes, even switching on the television. Mum, you really really really took so good care of him. Every weekend I had to control my temper because I will see the same old things that he does over and over again. Today..oooh..he did it again..as a healthy retiree who refuses to work, he goes out everyday and he literally has to wash his clothes 3 times a week !! Shocking ? Let me break it down for you why he wears 35 pieces of clothes a week.
Shirt and Pants -
Briefs -
Extra Shirt that he uses it as a mat to sleep on at night. ( even when there's a blanket available )
Night Pant
That's 35 pieces of clothings a week !! and you know what ? he uses the soiled clothes as a daily floor mat and dump it into a plastic bag instead of a net bag that I bought for him. Imagine the wet and soiled clothes being kept in the bag for 2 days before being brought out to wash..Gosh !! his whole room stinks like hell and every weekend, I had to light up my belair oil to remove the smell from his whole room.
Every night when I am home, he is hiding in his room, every morning before i go to work, he is out of the house. We dont see each other now, neither do we talk. Its better this way if not I will quarrel with him again...
He squandered 10K plus of mum's money few months after mum passed on
His monthly expenses is $600 ( his own money )
He refuses to work
It's just overwhelming to list down the things that he doesnt know how to operate...I am just too tired to write about it.
Am I unfilial ? I dunno but to write it here is just an outlet to vent my frustration.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Sometimes certain people just baffles me...
Today I received an email from a customer that I send reports to every month. The way he crafts his email gives people a very unfriendly tone. Many of us gets the feelings of him always trying to put us down despite the fact that most of us are doing our very best to fulfil and comply with their requirements.
His email to me edited to certain extent.
Tks for the update and report and I would like to remind you that the report must serve its purpose, i.e. the stats must be factual, accurate and validated before you publish it into the repository for ref. (in this context, pls. ensure that someone validate the stats before you submit it to us) Pls. refer to the XXXX document , I found the duration is incorrectly marked. It should be from XXX to XXXX and the service outage downtime recorded is XX mins. (This is what XXXX had reported to XXXX ) I believe XXXX has used your stats and report it accordingly in Dec's report to XXXX
Can you pls. work with XXXX (XXXX to assist) and amend the record accordingly? Pls. also note that you should not continue to copy such mail to XXXX and XXXX, both of them are no longer with XXXX.
Best regards
My reply to him : -
Good morning XXXX,
Thank you for sharing.
XXXX keeps a spreadsheet on all XX XX incidents that happened. I tried to ensure that every XXXX that happened and recorded in the XX XX spreadsheet is checked, updated and tally against hers to ensure the information is correct before sending out. . For the duration time, I took it from XXXX XXXX confirmed and resolved time. Please see below the incident rectified message that was being send out. The time confirmed and resolved time is from XXXX to XXXX thus it was recorded as such in the spreadsheet.
Kindly advise if I should take XXXX confirmed and resolved time for future reporting and if this record should be amended to XXXX reported time.
Melvin Tan
P.S - I am not complaining because in a job environment, you have to work with different people from different company. Its not easy to accomodate every person working style but if you make an effort to emphathise, understand the other other party working style, I am sure things gets done more efficiently...rather than asserting your authority with such unfriendly email tone..
Do you have such experience with your customers ? Share your comments here...
Do you have such experience with your customers ? Share your comments here...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Jogging in the night...
Phew...just back from jogging...been terribly busy with work and keeping up with my dateline to achieve my goals
that I laid down on 8th Nov 2007. Been feeling tired and experiencing bad back pain so I decided to go for a jog earlier on. I am still on track to launch 5 mini campaigns on a weekly basis and to hit one winner. Already launched 2 campaigns and awaiting test results..

Sunday, January 6, 2008
Our Local Comedian MC King Sudden Death
It came as a shock when I read the news, though I am not a fan of his but his sudden death shocked many. Clearly healthy at 40 years old with no drinking and smoking bad habits, many were surprised. Read his blog post on New Year Eve's which I pasted below. Does he have a sudden feeling that he is leaving this place ? You tell me...
December 31
Living life to the fullest ? Tellling your loved ones you love them ?Spending quality time with your family and friends ? Keeping myself fit and healthy ?
Loving yourself ?
The hard truth is, its never enough but you just have to be consciously doing that..when you are hit with situation like MC King, you will leave with no regrets..!
My penny thoughts..What about you ?
Friday, January 4, 2008
3rd Day 2008 - Fearful | Exciting
Its the 3rd day of the new year already. I like to take a step back and see what I have achieved for the past 1 year. I din have a lot to shout about but overall, I have been a happier person. I owed it to friends who has been supportive, people like my buddy Rani whom our friendship has grown stronger...buddy like Labby who spend a good 9 months holiday stay at my home, bringing much laughter, happiness and also good home cooked food for me, Jennifer, colleague and best friend whom I am working with right now in the office. You have been a part of my life all these while, thank you. Now, back to my resolutions that I have made on 5th Nov. As I looked at my vision board every night and the big goals I have set for myself, I have that little voice at the back of my head telling me, this is going to be tough !! You cant make it ! Oh damn..that fearful feeling crept up so I am going to tell that "little voice" I am going to do it anyway...and I am going to achieve my goals..so stay tune as I fervently worked on my CPA Business !!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
My Godson is off to Primary One !
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Bye Labby ! Come back soon....

Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Xmas Eve ! and I lost my credit card :)
Merry Xmas to all my friends ! Xmas is a day of giving and you know what ? I lost my newly approved credit card. Was trying to recall where I misplaced it. ~ ta da.. now I remembered ! I lost it when I was depositing money in Tampines Mrt after buying 8 money jars for my new money saving concept shared by my mentor Larry. You can read this amazing simple concept here. So what's next ? Got to wait for a replacement card ! Things happens for a reason !
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Failure to achieve My Goals must be painful !
Today, I met up with my mentor Larry and shared with him one of my goals for year 2008. Although I have publicly announced it on 5th Nov and some of my friends knows about it, I feel that I have not done enough or motivate enough to do more to achieve it. Speaking to Larry gave me a relevation. People do things for 2 reasons. Pain or Pleasure. Setting goals is easy but taking the steps to achieve it is painful. In order to make it even more painful for me to take "more and urgent" steps to achieve at least one of my goals, I have requested Larry and Rani to be one of my goals guarantor. I am requesting 3 more goals guarantor, if you are my blog reader and is keen, do leave me a comment. By the end of year 2008 if I do not achieve at least one of my goals, I will give each goals guarantor $100 which you are free to donate to charity or for your own pesonal purposes.
Do you track your PUB Bills ?

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Celebrating Xmas with Granny

Yesterday, I celebrated early Xmas with Granny. It's the first time I cooked ketchup prawns for relatives outside of my kitchen..except Betty of course. Hmm..they were impressed..hehe..Meaning I passed liao..Granny looks fine though she will gesture to me from time to time that "its time" for her to go already although I wonder if thats a sign from her but no matter what it means, I love her tons !
Thursday, December 13, 2007
It's been a long time since I have written. Been busy with work and the coming festive season Xmas. I have been reading on a lot of affiliate marketing blogs to pick up tips and tricks. I visited Jeff Roth's blog recommended by Amit, author of Super Affiliate Mindset. Jeff's journey in Affiliate Marketing is very inspirational and one of the post is so hilarious, I promised you will laugh your heart out reading it. Enjoy !
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
4th Dec - 27 Days to Year 2008 ~
27 days to the Year 2008 !! Have you made your New Year resolutions? Years back, I have since stopped using the word resolutions' but rather the word GOAL. I have decided to do WHATEVER it takes to achieve my Goals. What's your GOAL ?
Monday, December 3, 2007
Cooking Lesson 2
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Cooking Lesson 1

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Watch the sitting posture ~~
Went to SGH for physhiotherapy that lasted 1.5 hours. After consultation, I was given instructions to specifically do 2 neck exercises everyday to work on the neck. Thereafter I was given a mechanical braces to stretch my neckbone before going for a neck heat pack treatment. The bill came up to $32..as compared to $65 bucks at First Chiropractic for a 10 mins session. Was advise to be conscious of my sitting posture in the office so as not to aggravate the strain on my lower back. Hopefully to see improvement in 2 months time...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
SGH Back Therapy and Weight Management Product
Tomorrow will be my first back therapy at SGH. Let's see how it goes...Still feeling the stinging and numbness on my fingers and back. Hopefully with this regulary therapy, it helps to relieve the pain. Weight Gainer product is always the last thing that I will ever buy or even try..But I am pleasantly surprised that I like the taste of Herbal Life Shapeworks mixed with orange juice. Its quite unlike weight gainer powder that I tried years back. I actually shared it with my colleague Jennifer. She is trying to control her weight whereas I am trying to gain weight, so this product that I bought couldnt have arrived at the better time. For her, its a replacement meal, for me, its an add on meal. Great ! Let's see the effect 3 months later !
Thursday, November 22, 2007
FREE Outgoing Mobile Calls
Revolutionary technology that allows you to make FREE outgoing mobile calls. Thanks to my bro Larry for developing this. If you love to yak on the phone or your company only subsidise peanuts on your handphone bills, you will love this ! Let me know you want a live web demo on how this technology works ! Why pay M1 Starhub or Singtel when you can yak on your phone for FREE ?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
My Return Of Investment from Canada Property !! 2nd Payment
On July 23th, I posted about my returns from my investments with Amanda. This month, its another bonus time, came in nicely to pay off some bills. Last sunday newspaper, there was a featured article about inflation in Singapore. Particularly interesting is a segment where they said that your money that you put in the bank tend to lose more in value as compared to putting your money to work in some investment vehicles due to inflation rate. How true !! So if you are reading this blog, make sure your money is working hard for you than putting it in the bank and gets eroded ! Good luck !
Saturday, November 17, 2007
House Cleaning on a weekend ~
Finally....the eagerly waited weekend ~ Slept till 1pm today..Dunno why I was so tired..totally knocked out...Lab told me after I woke up that the computer monitor has gone bonkers...the screen is totally black...after a quick lunch, we went Sim Lim to see if there is a need to replace the monitor...thank god..its just the adaptor that is having the problem. So we got it replaced and went home to clean up the house...so here's the video that was taken....:)
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Granny is pretty weak....:(

Friday, November 9, 2007
Happy Deepavali !
Happy Deepavali to all my Hindu Friends !! Today Lab and myself was invited to my best friend Rani's house to celebrate their new year. The food was spicy and good ! Hmm..I finished 1/4 of her tibits ! keke..
Thereafter I went to my ex colleague's wedding. She is just stunning. Make a guess...what is her nationality before she became PR ?

Thereafter I went to my ex colleague's wedding. She is just stunning. Make a guess...what is her nationality before she became PR ?

Monday, November 5, 2007
My Goals ~ 2008 ~
This year, I am holding myself accountable to achieve the goals I set for myself by publicly putting it onto my blog with pictures of my goals and my desired kitchen of my condo. :)
So Melvin...Go for it...Procastination is the KISS of Death..So JUST DO IT !!
May Success be with all my friends and May you be blessed with Abundance !!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Hong Kong >> Singapore ~
Next morning, we finally went down to Hong Kong. We have our final shopping spree before taking our flight back home. Like the HK drama serials where the police sometimes raid the motel joints, we decided to give the motels a night stay instead go up to Shenzhen again and see how it was like..its pretty much like our hotel81 here in Singapore but its very very cramp, imagine I had to sleep diagonally as my body couldnt fit into the sleeping area :) Visited "Ap Liu Street" " Mong Kok" nearly bought the original pirated" iPhone" Made in China ! :P I also visited Lab's dog. Her name is Amy. Playful, cute and fun ! I also bought 8 pieces of cotten sweat shirts at $$30. Its a steal ! Lab also helped me shop for a non stick induction cooker pan that is half the price if I were to buy it in SG. $17 bucks!
So my budget tour experimentation damage as follows :
Airticket $250
Food+Transportation+Lodging+Massage = $238
Shopping = $140
$628 for 5 days Macau+Zhuhai+GuangZhou+
Off to Shen Zhen for Food Haunt and Massage !
The 3rd day after visited the Guang Zhou exhibition and a Wholesale Plaza, we took a train to Shen Zhen ! Arrived there at 8pm, went to the same restaurant I went to last year Xmas and this time, we had " Ta Bin Lo" meaning steamboat. $20SG !! About 10pm, we head straight to the massage parlour where we had a solid 4 hours massage including " Ba Guan" Guess how much is it ? $30 !!! and we got to stay FREE at the parlour. Budget Budget Budget ! :P
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Guang Zhou ! Here we come !
After arriving at Macau and done snapping pictures of Venetian, we took a free coach to the custom to Zhuhai hotel that night. Next morning, we took a 2 hr bus to "Guang Zhou" to attend their International Import and Export Fair where you get to see thousand and one items that are on wholesales there. Got a lot of good contacts for home furnishing ! The place was massive and took us one whole day to really skimp through all the wholesalers there. Nice food haunt introduced by Lab. Check the pictures and videos ! Due to the fair,the hotel that we stayed was a bit off budget!
Lab brought me to this place to try their food and its just so delicious that I cant help asking Lab to video this. The food is just damn good ! >> Jennifer, this is for you and Jon..haha.. A pity you cant join us !

Lab brought me to this place to try their food and its just so delicious that I cant help asking Lab to video this. The food is just damn good ! >> Jennifer, this is for you and Jon..haha.. A pity you cant join us !
Macau Newest Casino - Venetian
Look at the blue skies ! They are fake ! but looks so real ! Pay $25 Bucks for a boat ride and you have a spanish guy singing love songs to you..hehe. The last video is dedicated to a good friend Jennifer cos I promised her that I will buy her " Siew Orh Bei " but due to lack of time, I din manage to buy back for her. So I only can video this for her. We had buffet dinner in the Venetian Hotel, around S$40/person, not bad.
A Birthday Budget Tour Experiment !
Mum, this year my birthday, I decided to go on a budget tour experiement with Lab. We went to Macau newest Casino Venetian, Zhu Hai, Shen Zhen, Hong Kong and Guang Zhou.
- Snap our airplane while waiting at the boarding area.
- Self picture taken while waiting for take off...
So here we are at Macau ! Check out the next post for the grand hotel cum casino pictures and videos..
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